12:39, 19 November 2018 Page views 2586 views

PLUS-Forum "Cash Circulation + Self-service. Banking and Retail 2018": first results, new popularity records

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The 10th anniversary International PLUS-Forum “Cash Circulation + Self-service. Banking and Retail 2018”, a landmark event for the financial industry, banking sector and retail business held in Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center in Moscow on November 14-15, is over.

With the Forum audience growing every year, the event once again confirmed its status of the most popular event for the industry in Russia and the CIS. This time the audience reached a record high of 1,554 delegates. Among them are recognized experts of the Russian and foreign markets, representatives of banks, payment systems, regulators, the major retail chains, vendors, relevant ministries and departments, law enforcement agencies, etc.


54 speakers addressed their reports and presentations to the delegates within the business programme of the Forum conference. 75 Russian and foreign companies presented their products and solutions at the exhibition organized alongside the conference. A welcoming speech addressed to the delegates by Georgy Kornilov, Director of Goznak R&D Branch, opened the Forum this year.


Among the key points of the event are the following:

• Georgy Kornilov offered an assessment of the current state and key trends of cash circulation in Russia and globally, dispelling the myth that cash is widely used to finance terrorism and the shadow economy.

• Vladimir Demidenko, Deputy Director, Cash Circulation Department, Bank of Russia, announced the launch of the Bank of Russia’s coin marketplace.

• Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Board Chairman, Sberbank of Russia, announced the launch of the cash circulation marketplace in the next two to three months.

• One of the most interesting presentations at the PLUS-Forum was the one delivered by Nadezhda Malyukh, Head of Cash Circulation, Alfa-bank, who spoke about a new generation cash center, technological solutions to improve the efficiency of cash handling and collection, as well as successful implementation and rollout experiences.

• The Central Bank of the Russian Federation will teach cashiers to detect counterfeit notes. This was announced by Tatyana Alexandrova, Head of Banknotes & Counterfeit Deterrence Division, Cash Circulation Department, Bank of Russia.

• Sberbank announced the successful completion of the development of its own special storage module for the cash transportation.

• Author of ModulCash Maxim Mitusov announced the launch of a visual test of his equipment for Russian banks. The road show will include testing cash equipment involving the acquiring facilities in Russian banks, which will result in the selection of partners and the launch of full-fledged projects in March 2019.

• Gamma Center demonstrated a new ADM with a validator, which was among the first devices included – after the introduction of new certification procedure – in the list of recommended equipment published on the website of the Bank of Russia.

• Sberbank will launch cassette-free ATMs-recyclers into commercial operation. This was announced by Alexey Ponomarenko, Senior Managing Director, Head of Department, Cash circulation management Centre, Sberbank of Russia.

• For the first time in Russia, Diebold Nixdorf presented an updated ATM-recycler equipped with an Encrypted Touch Screen with data encryption function, an RM4 module with a deposit cassette of bigger capacity (up to 4 thousand notes).

• For the first time in the Forum history, a session dedicated to cash circulation in retail took place.  The session titled “Banking and Retail. Businesses, products and services.  On both sides of partnership” was of particular interest to the audience. Top managers of a number of nation-wide retail chains, such as Magnit, Selgros Cash & Carry, Gazpromneft, etc., together with representatives of the regulator and banking market players, including Gazprombank, discussed the issues of cash collection and recount at retail companies.

Soon, you will be able to get familiar with the speakers’ presentations and reports, a detailed review of solutions, products and technologies presented at the exhibition at the information portal PLUSworld.ru. 

• During the event, video and photo coverage of the conference and exhibition was performed; the speakers’ presentations and interviews with the Forum participants were recorded. Soon, videos and photos will be available at the information portal www.plus-forum.com in the Photo and Video sections.

 • Delegates who completed the PLUS-Forum questionnaire will have access to all presentations of the speakers via a link sent to the email address specified in the questionnaire.


The PLUS-Forum Steering Committee expresses gratitude to all participants and invites you to continue cooperation at the 11th International PLUS Forum “Cash Circulation + Self-service. Banking and Retail’.





On April 10-11, 2019 we will hold the 6th International PLUS-Forum “Online & Offline Retail”. The registration is open!

We also look forward to seeing you at the 10th anniversary International PLUS-Forum “Cards, Payments and Mobile” to be held on May 29-30, 2019.  

Follow the Forum news on PLUSworld.ru, join us on Facebook and Twitter.

The official hashtag of the Forum #cashforum