If you are ready to provide your expert opinion regarding the problems of and trends in the payment industry, retail banking and so on, we will be happy to cooperate with you.
General requirements to author’s materials*:
- the materials must consist of author’s original text featuring some current issues of the today’s market and industry from a professional viewpoint and be intended for professionals;
- the materials must be relevant to the topics of our Journal and be of interest to its target audience;
- the materials should be sent as an MS Word file by e-mail at marketing@plusworld.ru;
The cooperation with authors is on a gratis basis. The editorial board will not publish any submission without prior notice to the authors and copyright holders. The submissions are not peer-reviewed by the editorial board.
The views of authors do not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the editorial board.
Once a submission is denied, the editorial board reserves the right not to explain the reasons for that.
You are welcome to join our team of authors!
PLUS Editorial Board
* (for details, please see the Requirements to submitted materials)
*Requirements to the submissions
In order to be considered for publishing, the materials must contain the following:
1. Full name and photo of the author, his/her place of work, position, academic degree (if any).
2. Title (description) of the material, key statements of the material in brief.
3. The material must contain contact details (office phone number, mobile, e-mail) for feedback and real-time communication.
4. If the material is supported by illustrations (images, charts, diagrams, tables, formulas, etc), those are to be numbered, contain legends and references in the main text.
5. If the materials are supported by photos, it must be numbered, contain legends and references in the main text. Photographic material must be saved in .tif (33 dpi, CMYK) or .eps (fonts converted to curves, CMYK, edited text).
6. In case the author quotes some printed sources or other authors, the text must contain references to quoted sources. In case Internet sources are used, it is necessary to include hyperlinks to such sources.