12:08, 5 October 2022 Page views 940 views

Import substitution of cybersecurity tools reaches 90%

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The remaining 10% account for non-import-substituted tools like cloud services and high-load intelligent firewalls, Deputy Head of Russia’s Ministry for Digital Development Alexander Shoitov stated speaking at the GIS Days 2022 forum.

According to him, in Russia, their development is a labor-consuming process, but Russian are working on that already.

“Regarding domestic cybersecurity tools, our companies are very strong,” the deputy minister said. “In general, the exit of foreign vendors and companies from the market is not of fundamental importance for us, but insofar it concerns the range of information protection tools, cybersecurity facilities, we have about 90%.”

Shoitov noted that for the remaining 10% there are some large corporations in which intellectual and speed characteristics can be fundamental.

“In this regard, we are specifically working with the developers of such facilities in terms of support measures and the creation of full-fledged analogs in this narrow area of foreign products,” Shoitov said.