Retail services in the real and virtual world
Retail & Loyalty highlights the best foreign and domestic practice in the offline and online retail:
- Retail
- Payment Technologies
- Innovations
- Loyalty
- Contactless technology (NFC, RFID, etc.)
- Mobile applications
- e-commerce
- Geolocation
- Self-service
- Automation
- POS solutions
- Marketing
- Business cases
- Transit projects
- IT solutions
- Security
- Co-branding programs
Periodicity – 6 issues per year. Released after the twentieth day of every other month, starting from January.
The subscription to the Journal is available at the editorial office and agencies.
Retail & Loyalty Journal is distributed at the following events:
1. Online Retail Russia. International congress of key persons of online retailers
and online-businesses of common retail chains.
2. RETAIL BUSINESS RUSSIA. International summit of key persons of the Russian
retail market. All segments. All the key players!
3. Petrol Stations in Russia: Development, competition, marketing
4. CNews FORUM: Information technology tomorrow.
5. RBC Conference: Drivers and 'brakes' of the Russian retail
6. Retail in Russia: Annual Conference
7. Retail Commerce: International congress of directors responsible for procurements
and proprietary trademarks of retail chains
8. PLUS-Forums: Cash Circulation + Self-service. Banking and Retail; Cards and Payments
Average readership per Issue – 17600 persons. The Journal print run is 4000 copies. The publication is distributed by subscription (through the Editorial Office and agencies) and at industry events attendee and supported by the Journal on the territory of the Russian Federation, FSU and far-abroad countries.
Retail & Loyalty Readership
Among the journal audience are top managers including but not limited to directors, vice-presidents, mid-level managers directly involved in the decision-making process and projects developed by the following entities:
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E-mail: marketing@plusworld.ru