13:48, 15 June 2022 Page views 1108 views

Russians named main parameters of ideal bank

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This means that the weight of the reliability factor and the ability of a particular bank to meet the requirements of the client to the bank “for every day” are increasing.

The Russians informed what characteristics they find most important for a bank to call it ideal. According to a survey by Sinara Bank, in the spring of 2022, the majority of respondents put the parameters “Reliability” (68%) and “Care for customer security” (49%) in the foreground.

According to the findings, the parameters of the bank “for every day” such as reliability, security and convenience in everyday use are on top. Thus, a good reputation of a bank is important for 45% of respondents. An attractive loyalty programme (availability of discounts, points, cashback, etc.) was called important by 47% of respondents, and attractive card product conditions - by 42%. Russians also included the benefits from key products such as deposits (43%) and loans (39%) in the most important characteristics that an ideal bank should meet.

In addition to the factors of reliability and benefits, the parameters of client-oriented approach took an important place in the list of key characteristics of an ideal bank. Thus, 42% of respondents noted that their bank should have a convenient and comprehensible mobile application. At the same time, 34% of respondents expect from the bank personnel assistance in resolving any emerging issues and respectful attitude towards customers (29%), while 38% want bank products to be simple and clear.