12:59, 23 March 2018 Page views 3561 views

PLUS-Forum “Cards, Payments and Mobile 2018”: new partners

(votes: 1, rating: 5)

ф1.jpgWith the International PLUS-Forum “Cards, Payments and Mobile 2018” to be held in Moscow's Sokolniki Convention&Exhibition Center as early as May 30-31, 2018, preparations for one of the largest event of the payment industry is already in full swing!

The May PLUS-Forum will analyze the current state and development of retail banking, payment industry and remote retail services, including public services and prospects of their integration with commercial services, in Russia and globally. 

Both days of the Forum programme include a conference, round tables and the most representative exhibiton of equipment, technology and business solutions from leading Russian and foreign companies.

The popularity of the event that has been long on the first lines in the participants’ business calendars, is on the rise. The following sponsors and partners have already confirmed their participation in the Forum:

General sponsors: Verifone, Nexgo

Chief sponsors: Kaspersky Lab, Ingenico, Gemalto, Thales, DNA Distribution, Solanteq, Matica

Partners: QIWI, Compass Plus, Intervale, TSYS, SafeTech,  ОСТКАРД, CASHOFF, CTC advanced, NovaCard, Cryptotech,  SZZT, Shenzhen Kaisere Technology, Newcapec Electronics Co., DATAPHONE, SIM2M, SCANTECH, Newcapec Electronics Co.,  Best Quality Design, Z-Card, VisionLabs, JinGuan Tech (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd, PSIT,  Contact Design, Feitian, Telepower, EQVI, CASHOFF.

PLUS-Forum is a perfect opportunity to present your solutions and products to the target audience regardless of the participation format you choose. Make it to take your place among the market leaders!

This year the conference is set to become one of the most eventful and interesting ones in the entire history of our Forums. On the first day, May 30, recognized market experts will deliver reports in within the following thematic units:

Session I. New trends in the payment industry and retail banking. Change of strategies. Government regulation. Consolidation and verticalization of the market. Digital transformation

• Digital society and banking. New roles, place and importance of banking in the digital economy
• New function of money and modern geopolitics
• Government regulation and new challenges. The main focus is on payment agents, aggregators and foreign payment systems
• Payment service providers (PSP) - new market participants positioned between banks and end customers
• Creation of a new promising payment system under the RTGS concept
• Implementation of a uniform P2P payment platform - intermediate results
• Commodization of payment services. Example: Uber-payment “behind the service.” Impact on the market
• Bank as a universal marketplace.  In search of an optimal model

ф2.jpgSession II. Remote customer identification. Biometrics and public infrastructure. How will the ecosystem of financial services change?

• Interbank identification in the light of recent legislative changes. Use of state infrastructure by commercial entities - new opportunities, new risks
• Results of the pilot project of establishing ESIA-based simplified identification under the auspices of the Bank of Russia
• Remote identification as a catalyst for the merger of a digital and non-digital bank
• Expanding financial inclusion of the unbanked population. A new approach to the financial services
• Biometric identification in retail banking. Can the face and voice become the main ID-factors?
• Individual scoring of banks’ retail clients. How the new approaches change the market  

• Loyalty of bank customers in the digitalization era. Towards omnichannel strategy

Session III.  Vendors in the new reality. From the solution competition to the service competition 

• How to maintain profitability in the context of market consolidation?
• Vendors as payment service providers
• Technologies As a Service
• Agile development strategies – an imperative and instrument of competition. Where and when the Agile strategy can be feasible and efficient.

• Customer experience in the banking sector
• Increase of acquiring business profitability driven by new services
• Service support.  Is the market on the verge of repartition?
• Big Data in the financial industry. Transformation into AI and machine learning.
• Information services for retail business. Key needs of market participants. Business cases
• Fare payment schemes for public transport. Present condition. Prospects

Session IV. Blockchain, artificial intelligence and neural networks. The nearest reference points for the banking service. Marketing myths-free prospects

• Innovations in the financial sector. The customer determines the dosage
• Artificial Intelligence. From the interest towards the commercial use.
• The state and the blockchain. Masterchain in 2018
• Tokenization of mobile payments. Russian experience - similarities and differences as compared to the global practices
• Internet of things, artificial intelligence, machine learning as the main drivers of the development of microprocessor technologies
• Blockchain 2018. Why the level of expectations keeps getting lower   

On the second day of the Forum, May 30, the following three sessions invite the conference guests:

Session V. RegTech in Russia. What does the market expect from the regulators?

• Changes in the legal framework. How well does the law keep up with the business? Specifics of operational and tax regulation of crypto currency transactions
• Federal law 54-FZ. The participation of banks in the “new wave”. Online fiscalization of Internet stores as a catalyst of the Internet acquiring market

Session VI. Cyber resistance in the digital economy. The end of era of purely local defense. Countering commercial and political cybercrime nationwide

• Cyber risks: shift of emphasis. New counteraction strategies
• Fraud in the digital age. From social engineering to attacks on national banks
• Are ‘Pay’ services a step back from EMV? Risks of interception and unauthorized use of tokens
• Key changes in the field of criminal law

ф3.jpgSession VII.  FinTech and banks in the context of PSD2. From sandboxes and accelerators to the service infrastructure. Role and place in retail business

• Banks and FinTech. New formats and points of interaction
• The opening of banking APIs to FinTech entities - what the ‘voluntold’ approach gives and what takes away. The  European experience and Russian practice – commonalities and differences
• FinTech and retail business from the perspective of  the retailers and IT companies 

To become a speaker or partner of the Forum, submit your application using the e-form on the event website PLUS-Forum.com or inform us about it via email: konstantin@plusworld.ru /by tel.: +7 495 961 1065 (Konstantin Grizov).

You can get registered as a PLUS-Forum delegate on the official event website PLUS-Forum.com here.  
Don’t be left out in the cold – limited number of seats available!

Keep tuned for the Forum news at  PLUSworld.ru, joun our best friends in Facebook and Twitter

Official hashtag of the Forum: #ecomforum