13:55, 10 June 2022 Page views 1165 views

Central Bank of Uzbekistan has chosen symbol for soum

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The Central Bank of Uzbekistan has summarized the results of the competition for the development of the symbol of the national currency soum.
With 17 thousand applications received in total, the Organizing Committee selected 508 projects. An individual code was assigned to each of them to ensure confidentiality. During the examination, 54 projects were selected and submitted to the jury for review.

The works were evaluated by representatives of the Central Bank, the National Institute of Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod and the Intellectual Property Agency. They took into account the uniqueness and originality, universality, recognition, symbolic and distinctive aspects, as well as the ease of graphic perception of the symbol in various formats.

The jury recognized as best the graphic symbol developed by Sarvar Zhumagaldiev, “as the most creative project that vividly expresses the uniqueness of the sign of the national currency of Uzbekistan - soum.”