18:44, 12 September 2018 Page views 3289 views

Azerbaijan Banks Association (ABA) will hold III BANKING FORUM “Cashless economy: transformation from traditional banking toward digital banking”

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форум.jpgAzerbaijan Banks Association (ABA) will hold III BANKING FORUM “Cashless economy: transformation from traditional banking toward digital banking on November 15-16, 2018, in Baku, Azerbaijan (links of the Forum: http://aba.az/en/event/iii-banking-forum-will-be-held-by-azerbaijan-banks-association/ and http://gbmevents.az/III-banking-forum/ )/

Adoption “the Strategic Roadmap for Development of Financial Services in the Republic of Azerbaijan” and “Strategic Roadmap on Development of Telecommunication and Information Technologies in the Republic of Azerbaijan” define wider application of digital payments in the country.

For implementation of the goals of the road maps initiatives such as “Cashless Azerbaijan” project, “State Program on Expansion of Digital Payments in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2018 – 2020”, “Instant Payments System” project, new “Law on “Payment services and Payment Systems” was launched by the relevant state organizations.

Taking into account the aforementioned the Forum has the purpose of being the platform for discussing the initiatives and challenges of making the economy cashless, new and upcoming trends in digitalization, financial technologies, new banking products, innovations and risks in modern compliance, judicial compatibility and adaptation of the aforementioned to present judicial system, and impact of these processes on strengthening financial sustainability of banks, also other relevant subjects. With the aim to contribute to the comprehensive awareness of the relevant stakeholders, facilitate to the exchange of best practices and to the formation of long and mid-term vision by financial institutions and other companies.

Top and middle management of regulating authorities in the financial and economic sphere, top management of commercial banks, managers of commercial and public organizations, representatives of international financial institutions and embassies of foreign countries in Azerbaijan, as well as invitees from other countries.

The agenda and sponsorship packages are attached. Global Sponsorship, which is exclusive is taken by the MasterCard. Its possible to negotiate other packages.