12:04, 16 August 2016 Page views 4437 views

Agenda of PLUS-Forum "Cash Circulation+Self-Service. Banking and Retail 2016" is published!

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The PLUS-Forum Team is pleased to inform you about the release of the list of issues to be discussed at the Conference, which will be held in the framework of the International PLUS-Forum “Cash Circulation+Self-service. Banking and Retail 2016” at Sokolniki Exibition&Congress Centre on October 5-6.

The biggest event of the financial sector in Russia and CIS will bring together 1200+ key participants, over 200 companies and more than 50 speakers.

Session 1. Cash Circulation. Condition. Tendencies. Forecasts

• Cash circulation in the world and in Russia. National policy and business

• Current situation in cash circulation. Major tendencies

• Cash circulation and banks. How should banks manage cash handling in the current environment?

• New note denominations – a leading mark for the next generation of banknotes and for new standards of self-service devices, counting, etc.

• Success story of the denomination by example of the Republic of Belarus

Session 2. Bank branch under transformation

• Branchless bank. Partnership schemes providing for offline cash-handling. Global and Russian practice.

• Bank branch. New functionality, technology, equipment, profitability. Global and Russian practice of digital transformation and introduction of omnichannel services

• Customer experience. The new role of branches in its formation. New branch formats

• Increasing bank branch’s profitability through cash product offerings.

Session 3. Technological solutions and concepts for the infrastructure of retail bank

• Bank’s self-service network in the context of omnchannel and digital transformation concept. Practical cases

• Cloud solutions for the retail bank’s front-line. Is cloud ABS possible?

• Cash management and cash-analysis in the bank

• Recycling technology. Russian experience

• Coin handling models in the bank and the retail business. Technological solutions

Session 4. Cash collection and counting. Vital tasks and new approaches

• Cash collection and self-collection: from a concept to technological details. Do not forget about the coins as well!

• Self-collection: “in combat” experience of the banks and new technologies

• Cash collection and counting technologies at banks and cash settlement centres: new solutions

Session 5. Modern ATM and terminal networks: efficiency is the key issue

ATM as a hybrid self-service device: from theory to real cases in Russian banks

• Self-service terminal network. Best practices. From outsourcing and remote control to biometrics and NFC

• Biometrics in banking. World experience, the required changes in the Russian legislation

• Calculation and analysis of self-service network profitability: methodology, solutions, practice

Session 6. Cash circulation and security threats in banking and retail

Security in the offline banking: the modern landscape of physical and information security threats. Methods of countering the attacks.
• Combating counterfeiting in the banking sector and retail business. Solutions, technologies, business cases

We invite speakers and vendors to participate in this event!
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