11:16, 5 July 2022 Page views 979 views

Russia lifts all COVID-related restrictions

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Rospotrebnadzor suspends previously imposed coronavirus-related restrictions, including a mask regime, a ban on catering services at night and a number of other measures, the agency said. The decision was made against the backdrop of improved epidemiological situation in the country.

Thus, bans on mass-attendance events are being lifted, restrictions imposed on public catering locations are being removed, and the mandatory wearing of masks is cancelled. However, Rospotrebnadzor notes that the restrictive measures may be resumed if the situation with COVID-19 worsens,

At the same time, anti-epidemic measures for the timely case detection, as well as measures to monitor the epidemic process remain in place, despite Russia has seen a steady decrease in the incidence of coronavirus over the past four months.