16:31, 30 October 2019 Page views 2630 views

‘Fintech Borderless. Eurasia Digital’: Highlights

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c0e35201f_270x202.jpgPresentations. Special sessions. Strictly-by-invitation meetings.

The most significant presentations at the PLUS-Forum CIS:

• What is a digital financial assistant and what it is inside out. The experience of UK as the cradle of the global fintech - Vyacheslav Akulov, CIO, ANNA (bank for small business owners), UK.

• M-Pesa Success Story in Kenya - Victor Ikawa, Head of Research and Strategy, Safaricom

• Development of the payment system of the Republic of Belarus in the context of international integration and globalization - Olga Antonovich, Head of Electronic Payment Instruments Department, Payment System and Digital Technologies Directorate, National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

• Interbank identification system - not for banks alone - Elena Anthony, Board Chairman, Non-Bank Credit and Financial Organization ‘Single Settlement and Information Space’ (ERIP)  

• Mobile money in other countries of tropical Africa - Sergey Sheikhetov, Head of Qualitative Research in Sub Saharan Africa countries, Kantar

As part of the PLUS-Forum CIS, special session “Blockchain and cryptocurrencies in modern banking. Trends and business cases” will take place on November 22 to focus on the following issues: 

Cryptocurrency industry 2019: apparent stagnation or productivity plateau?

• Regulatory issues. Global experience and its applicability in the CIS countries

• The impact of the crypto community on regulatory processes. The specifics of regulatory approaches in various markets. Future-proof models

• Not just cryptocurrencies. Blockchain in banking business cases. Masterchain example

• Mining. What actually hinders the development of the market? Problems and prospects of commercial blockchain networks

• US Federal Reserve is counteracting commercial corporations’ efforts to launch Libra, Gram, etc. against the backdrop of the prospects for launching a digital US dollar

• How do blockchain and cryptocurrencies affect the banking sector and what should banks take into account?

The session will be moderated by Evelina Lavrova, a Global Women in Blockchain member, named among TOP-10 Females in Crypto, Marketing & PR Director at Waves World, Founder of Decrypto PR, CV Labs Expert. 

Elina Sidorenko, Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of Digital Economy and Financial Innovations Center, Head of State Duma Working Group, will cover the issues of conflict of laws in the digital financial assets in Russia.

How crypto regulation and digital tokens in Belarus will affect banks - Kirill Domnich, Senior Manager, Business Consulting, Ernst & Young Digital, and Dmitry Shedko, Managing Director, Finstore.by.

Sergey Skabelkin, Co-founder of the Ukrainian FinTech Cluster, will also speak at the Session.
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FinTech Connection: private meetings of fintech startups with the CIS leading bankers and investors will be held during both days of the PLUS-Forum. 

On November 21, FinTech Connection with Bankers FinTech Connect. StartUps & Banks , a private meeting of the founders of promising fintech companies from Europe with leading CIS bankers will be held. The fintech companies will present their products and business profiles, plans for entering the CIS markets, and prospects for partnership with banks. This is a great opportunity for the fintech startups to enter new markets, while the banks can find the most advanced fintech products and business models, and implement innovative solutions.

On November 22, FinTech Connection with Investors FinTech Connect. StartUps & Investors will take place, an event where promising fintech companies will meet with a number of investors specializing in the fintech industry. The companies will have an opportunity to attract investments, and the investors will be able to meet dynamic and promising startups and to invest in their innovative products.
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If you wish to take part in our event, take advantage of our special offer:
- 10% discount on the admission cost, if 2 delegates from the bank participate
-  15% discount on the admission cost, if 3 delegates from the bank participate
- in case of 4 or more delegates – an individual discount will be offered by the management of the PLUS-Forum Steering Committee.

The International PLUS-Forum CIS will be held in the capital of Belarus. The venue address: Beijing Hotel, 36 Krasnoarmeyskaya, Minsk.

Official website: fintech.plus-forum.com

Forum hashtag: #EurasiaFINTECH