PLUS Journal today
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- 10 issues per year, printed edition
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PLUS Journal, a pioneer specialized periodical issued since 1994, is intended for professional bankers and payment industry players across the CIS and globally. The highly relevant publication helps you stay in tune with the latest tendencies in business and learn about landmark events in the market and payment industry. Expert views and analytical studies of the industry thought leaders empower the reader with the knowledge essential for professional and career growth.
The Journal is focused on the following areas
- Retail banking
- Digital banking
- Payment business
- Cash circulation
- Business strategies
- Self-service and cash-management
- Regulation and laws
- Regulatory Technology
- Service infrastructure
- Customer experience
- Technologies and business cases
- Security and cyber risks
- Remote banking services
- Mobile Payments
- Remote identification
- Biometrics
- Acquiring
- FinTech and Banks
- Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning
- Financial marketplaces
- Internet of Things (IoT). Banking of Things (BoT)
- Blockchain and Crypto-currencies
- and more
PLUS Journal is a dynamically developing periodical, which embraces every emerging segment of the market!
The target audience
The target audience of the Journal includes top management of Russian banks – directors, vice-presidents and deputy board chairmen, as well as other decision makers responsible for specific projects; IT specialists; representatives of relevant public bodies/ministries and agencies; managers of technology solutions providers and equipment vendors.
Mass media registration certificate No. ПИ №77-15554 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR)
The publication is distributed through a targeted subscription (by the Editorial Board and agents), and at the domestic and global events the Journal participates in.
Once subscribed to the journal, our readers stay informed about the latest business trends, the most important events in the market and industry, expert views and analytical studies of competent professionals, thus getting opportunities for professional and career growth.
Cooperation with PLUS Journal is a comprehensive strategic partnership aimed at bringing your information to as many as possible key market players.
- publish your company news on a regular basis
- tell the audience about specific business cases
- share your own insights
- express your expert views
- discuss market trends and prospects
Contact details for advertisers
PLUS Journal publication is a part of the PLUS-Alliance media holding business activities, along with the issue of Retail & Loyalty Journal and organization of annual thematic PLUS-Forums.