PLUSworld.ru is a leading specialized information portal.
The current base of subscribers to PLUS Journal and visitors of PLUSworld.ru information portal, as well as strong business ties we have built for almost 20 years of work allow us to deliver information directly to top managers including directors, vice presidents and vice chairmen of financial institutions, production and technological companies, mid-ranking managers who directly participate in preparing and taking decisions on the implementation of specific projects in banks and other commercial and government entities.
We are the information providers for financial sector professionals and the aggregators of up-to-date market information.
Information portal PLUSworld.ru is presented in:
• Rambler ТOP100, Newspapers & Journals section
• Mail.ru ТОР100, Mass Media – Journals section
• PLUSworld.ru takes part in the Yandex.News partnership program
The monthly audience of PLUSworld.ru:
• Over 90,000 visits
• Over 3,500 visits daily on business days, over 1,500 visits at weekends
The main part of PLUSworld.ru represents the most active age group: 25 to 55 y.o.
PLUSworld.ru information portal is a dynamically developing resource that arouses keen interest of market players, as it is proved by a low bounce rate (0.16) and the number of page views (10-12 pages on the average), the average time on site exceeding 4 minutes.
The subscriber base of the PLUS-daily news service exceeds 15,000, with this figure growing dynamically.
The number of banner displays
Visitors can see over 400,000 displays of banner ads monthly. You can take advantage of the marketing opportunities offered by PLUSworld.ru by placing a banner on the site, in the daily newsletter, becoming a column sponsor, etc.
Every day, the PLUSworld.ru editorial office receives the industry news from around the world. You can join the major global newsmakers by sending your news to news@plusworld.ru
Cooperation for us is not only one-time advertising activities on the site, but a comprehensive strategic partnership aimed at delivering your information to as many key market players as possible.
Your materials should be integrated into the information stream of the PLUSworld.ru portal in such a manner that they could be, first, noticed for sure, and then read. To attain this, your material should stand out against others and we offer the following options for that:
• Supplementing the news with a unique subject-matter illustrative
• Sponsorship of the PLUS-Daily News Service and the news columns on the PLUSworld.ru portal
• Banner advertising
We are sure that our cooperation will be fruitful and mutually beneficial, because we have three things most necessary for that: experience, information and brand awareness!
Of special attention are special projects:
• Cover Story, an article thematically and structurally linked to the cover of the journal issue, always enjoys the maximum number of views because it is always displayed on a separate page of the PLUSWorld.ru portal (Long read), promoted in search engines and shown on the portal as a popular Top-material within one month from the publication date. shown in the Top (3) materials
• Long read - placement of the article on a separate Long read page of the information portal with its promotion in search engines and social networks, as well as its display on the portal as a popular Top-material during one month. Besides, the article page is placed in the e-version and archive of the Journal issues for an unlimited period of time. The article is also published in the printed version of the Journal.
• Site-in-site means a complete design and placement of a website on the editorial server, its support with materials, maintenance and promotion.
• Running commentary is a full package of options that includes the announcement, preparation and broadcast itself, as well as a summarizing report published in the printed and online version of the Journal.
Apart from that, we gather campaign statistics!
The statistics of views and clicks is gathered during campaigns.
If you have a case story to tell, successful experience and business processes to share with our audience, don’t hesitate to call us at +7 495 961 1065 or email to marketing@plusworld.ru
Contact us! We are ready to offer various creative ideas for ad placements!
Your company’s ads won’t not go unnoticed!
Tell us about your marketing tasks and our professional task force will offer the best possible options of cooperation!
Watch for updates at the www.plusworld.ru information portal
Konstantin Grizov
Business Development Director
Tel./fax: +7 (495) 961 1065 (ext. 1201)
Cell: +7 925 005 4005
Skype ID: konstantin.grizov
E-mail: konstantin@plusworld.ru
PLUS Journal Editorial Board
Office 2-20, 29, bld. 5, Krzhizhanovskogo st., 117218 Moscow, Russia
Tel./Fax: +7 495 961 10 65
E-mail: marketing@plusworld.ru