PLUS Publishing House informs you hereby about forthcoming publication of the 5th edition of the English-Russian PLUS Dictionary - "Payments and Innovations: Business, Technology, Projects", issued since 1997 in a book format.
Hard copy (to learn the terms of purchase click here) and online versions will be available.
Mission of the Dictionary
The 5th edition of the PLUS Dictionary (issued since 1997) is being prepared for publication. Our Dictionary is intended for a wide variety of professionals operating in various retail services sectors based upon modern innovative technologies. The authors team intends to continue the development of the uniform terminology widely applied in banking, telecommunications, electronic and mobile commerce, remote public services, retail market, transport, etc. Those are fields where the concepts of e-Government and associated services, self-service systems, information, payment and ID-technologies have expanded broadly within the recent decades.
Target Audience
The writing team’s experience shows that the Dictionary is sought-after by the professionals of almost all levels working in the above mentioned organizations and areas of business. So, the target audience of the Dictionary includes the following categories of professionals:
• Top managers such as directors, vice-presidents and deputy chairmen in charge of respective lines of business – all those, who need to keep their own competence up to the level
• Mid-level managers and staff with long term of service using it as a reference book
• Young professionals who need to get into the hang of things, as soon as possible, and to develop their skills and upper mobility
How to get the Dictionary:
• Subscribers for PLUS Journal (for 12 months) will receive the 5th edition of English-Russian Dictionary free of charge.
The Dictionary can be bought:
• in the PLUS online store using a bank card or through a bank transfer
• legal entities can address our subscription team (podpiska@plusworld.ru) to request an invoice for bank transfer