16:20, 15 November 2020 Page views 1354 views

Library of efficient AI implementation examples collected in Russia

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ii.jpgThe Alliance for Artificial Intelligence has created AI Russia, an open library, which will include the best Russian AI projects. AI Russia is aimed to reflect the main trends in the development of artificial intelligence in Russia and clearly demonstrate the scenarios of practical application of the technology.

The main portfolio of the library includes unique AI implementation projects with a proven economic effect. Business cases will become a clear illustration of how the technology can be used to create effective products and services for companies of various sectors of the economy such as the banking sector, industry, telecommunications, retail, and healthcare.

The library will collect projects that have passed multi-stage verification and competitive selection. The expert council preliminarily reviews and evaluates the maturity of the solution and the sophistication of the AI-based key component. The final conclusion will depend not only on the workability, but also on the business component: the economic effect the implementation brought to the company's activities.

The best cases will be nominated for the AI Russia Awards, the first national award in the field of artificial intelligence business efficiency.