12:02, 9 December 2022 Page views 1350 views

Huobi: 10.1% of Russians own cryptocurrency

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Russia ranked third in terms of the cryptocurrency market maturity, according to a study by Huobi Research. The percentage of cryptocurrency users and the volume of use of CEX and DeFi services were taken into account in the rating. Huobi Research conducted a study according to which 10.1% of the population of Russia (14.6 million people) own cryptocurrency. The annual report “Global Cryptocurrency. Overview and Trends” says that Russia ranked third in the world in terms of the cryptocurrency market maturity, with the United States and Vietnam ranked first and second, respectively. The regional crypto market development maturity index is based on the percentage of crypto users in total population, CEX volume, DeFi traffic and Internet search hotness. According to the researchers, there are about 320 million cryptocurrency users in the world in 2022, with more than 40% of them being residents of Asian countries. For comparison, the number of users was 295 million in 2021 and 101 million in 2020. The report says that Vietnam has become the country with the highest level of adoption of cryptocurrencies, which are used by about 20 million Vietnamese, that is one fifth of the population of the South Asian state.