11:03, 14 May 2020 Page views 1229 views

Banks lodge part of their staff in offices

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scale_1200.jpgBecause of the coronavirus pandemic, major Russian banks have started to consider their office space as a temporary lodging  for some of their employees. Living conditions suitable for a 24/7 stay at the office have already been created by Sovcombank and Zenit Bank, their representatives said.

Sovkombank transferred about ten people to work “with residence,” the bank’s First Deputy Chairman and co-owner Sergey Khotimsky told reporters. This step was necessary to ensure the continuity and reliability of operations.

“This is crucial for the heart of the bank - treasury operations, which are the most critical for continuity and cannot be easily reallocated to different places. <...>. The main team of the most important specialists for the bank who are responsible for daily settlements lives in the bank. They stay at the office completely isolated, sleeping, eating, taking shower in the bank, and do not communicate with relatives until the pandemic is over. We believe that this is necessary, ” Sergey Khotimsky explained. It was of their own free will that the employees agreed to remain isolated in the office for additional remuneration, he emphasized.