Sergey Vereikin, ROSINKAS: “There is no real market pricing in the cash collection segment”

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Will cash as a means of payment and the cash circulation infrastructure support be relevant in Russia by the end of the current decade? Why has cash collection ceased to be a profit-able business, and is there a way out of the current situation? What can a national cash collection company give to the market? We discuss these and other equally pressing issues with Sergey Vereikin, Deputy Board Chair-man of the ROSINKAS Association.

Will cash as a means of payment and the cash circulation infrastructure support be relevant in Russia by the end of the current decade? Why has cash collection ceased to be a profit-able business, and is there a way out of the current situation? What can a national cash collection company give to the market? We discuss these and other equally pressing issues with Sergey Vereikin, Deputy Board Chair-man of the ROSINKAS Association.

Journal:  PLUS №10 (318), 2024

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