17:09, 7 September 2022 Page views 855 views

Sber to introduce about 100 Linux-powered ATMs by year end

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The volume of cash is growing, the number of transactions is decreasing, and the cash deposits are catching up with cash withdrawals. These are trends the market sees. Konstantin Podvalny, Head of Self-service Device Network Management at Sberbank of Russia, spoke about this at the PLUS-Forum. According to him, the bank started to solve current challenges 10 years ago.

“The bank, with its ATM network, had over a hundred points of decisioning. Of those, we formed 14 – by the number of territorial banks, and increased standardization level. Our partners have grown bigger and stronger. Sber decided to establish its own company, Sberbank Service, but retained its contractors in order to maintain competition. Well, another important step is the beginning of migration from ATM to RATM in 2016.
Five years later, in 2021, Sber started thinking about switching our devices to Linux. By the end of 2022, it is planned to release 100 ATMs powered by this software. In addition, the bank upgraded 60% of RATM devices, took 12.5 thousand queue management systems, introduced and accepted almost 10,000 parcel automates.
Within 10 years, we have begun to use artificial intelligence everywhere, we maintain any hardware and devices, we have increased by 92% the automation level of failure and incident detection. We have definitely taken a step forward and will keep moving further,” he said.